• Brâncuşi Constantin, 112, Chișinău, MD-2060
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SKY HOUSE nu are niciun ansamblu rezidențial înregistrat

Who we are

SKY HOUSE Construction company operates since 2005 and is a leader on the market in construction investment in the Rep. of Moldova. The company is a part of the Financial and Industrial Holding group PROMILTON which includes several companies operating in the Rep. of Moldova. The types of activities performed by SKY HOUSE are as follows: developing and carrying out construction works as executor or beneficiary for commercial and housing projects in the whole country. From the beginning of a project up to the moment of its completion, the company confirms the title of a reliable partner. The company executes projects in all the branches of the market, housing offers of the Comfort type, Business Class and Premium Class. SKY HOUSE portfolio includes dozens of finished homes and housing complexes, commercial objects and the ones of hotel infrastructure alongside the projects that are highly estimated. All company projects are at different levels of preparation and realization.